Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, and food systems based on these berries with different solvents and sugars have been studied. A physicochemical analysis of cranberries, lingonberries, and blueberries has been conducted. Crystalline pectin from cranberries, lingonberries, and blueberries has been isolated to determine the degree of etherification. The gelling ability of the pectic substances has been studied. The effect of different solvents and sugars on the rheological properties of food systems containing pectin has been examined. A comparative estimation of the gelling ability of the pectic substances contained in cranberries, lingonberries, and blueberries and in chitosan and alginate gelling agents has been conducted. The viscous properties have been found to increase in the series: cranberry pectin < lingonberry pectin < blueberry pectin < sodium alginate < chitosan. The complexing ability of pectins with respect to copper and iron ions has been studied and compared to that of casein. Casein exhibits a lower complexing ability with respect to iron ions than pectin. It has been found that the complexing properties of pectin vary with its concentration: the more dilute the solution, the higher the complexing ability of pectin.

Ключевые слова:
pectic substances, gelling ability, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, rheological properties, complexing ability


The food industry is being rapidly developed. At the same time, the competition between manufacturers is escalating. The manufacturers strive to anticipate the customer needs by paying ever-increasing attention to the quality of products and introducing advanced tech-nologies. The perception and attitude of consumers to food products have a huge impact on the sales of the products. These requirements have led to the formula-tion of a new generation of foodstuffs that favorably affect the human body [1, 2].

The most important curative measure aimed at re-ducing the adverse effects of physical, chemical, and biological factors of the environment on human health is the use of pectin preparations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the healthful and dietary meals of all groups of the population.

Pectins are widely used in all sectors of the food in-dustry. Pectin is a purified hydrocarbon obtained by extraction from plant raw materials. Pectins are used as gelling, stabilizing, thickening, water-retaining, and clarifying agents, as substances facilitating filtering, and as a means for encapsulation. For example, in the dairy industry, pectins are actively used in the manufacture of yogurts, cheese, ice cream, milkfruit desserts, and fermented and acidified dairy products; pectins are used as an emulsifier for the manufacture of mayonnaise and liquid margarines in the fat-and-oil industry. Pectins are successfully used for the production of marmalade, jelly fillings, whipped confectionery products, such as marshmallows and pastille, and candy pastes.

In the European system of codification of food additives, pectin has the number E440.

According to the current nomenclature, pectic sub-stances include protopectin, pectin, pectinic acid and pectinates, pectic acid and pectates [3].
•    Protopectin is water-insoluble natural pectin with a complex structure, which has not yet been precisely specified. It is believed that its composition includes all the above complexes.
•    Pectin, or soluble pectin—water-soluble polyga-lacturonic acids methoxylated to varying degrees—is formed from protopectin under the action of acids, alkalis, or protopectinase enzyme.
•    Pectinic acid is macromolecular polygalacturonic acid with carboxyl groups partially etherified with methanol. Salts of pectinic acid are referred to as pectinates.
•    Pectic acid results from complete demethoxyla-tion of pectinic acid. The solubility of pectic acid is lower than that of pectinic acid. Salts of pectic acid are referred to as pectates.

The main functional feature of pectin as a gelling agent is the ability to form gels in aqueous solutions in the presence of a certain amount of sugar and acid or calcium ions. In addition, pectin can absorb and rid the body of biogenic toxins, anabolic steroids, xenobiotics, metabolites, and biologically harmful substances capa-ble of accumulating in the body [4-6].

Список литературы

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2. Gorbachev, M.G. and Demidova, T.I., Spetsializirovannye produkty so svoistvami enterosorbenta (Specialized products with enterosorbent properties), Pishchevaya Promyshlennost´ (Food Industry), 2012, no. 5, pp. 36-38.

3. Donchenko, L.V. and Firsov, G.G., Pektin: osnovnye svoistva, proizvodstvo i primenenie: monografiya (Pectin: Basic Properties, Production, and Application: A Monograph), Moscow: DeLi Print, 2007.

4. Dunets, E.G. and Zaiko, G.M., Detoksikatsionnye svoistva pektinosoderzhashchikh pishchevykh system (Detoxifying properties of pectin-containing food systems), Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya (Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions, Food Technology), 2008, no. 4, pp. 43-44.

5. Lisitskaya, K.V., Torkova, A.A., Nikolaev, I.V., et al., Sravnitel´nyi analiz antioksidantnykh svoistv pektinov iz razlichnogo rastitel´nogo syr´ya (A comparative analysis of the antioxidant properties of pectins from various plant raw materials), Pishchevaya Promyshlennost´ (Food Industry), 2012, no. 12, pp. 64-66.

6. Piskureva, V.A., Gor´kova, I.V., Pavlovsksy, N.E., and Zhitnikova, V.S., Bakteritsidnye i kompleksoobrazuyushchie svoistva pektinov plodoovoshchnogo kontsentrata (Bactericidal and complexing properties of pectins of a fruit-and-vegetable concentrate), Pishchevaya Promyshlennost´ (Food Industry), 2009, no. 6, pp. 50-51.

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10. Tolkunova, N.N., Zhitnikova, V.S., and Kozicheva, M.A., Issledovanie aktivnosti rastvorimogo pektina po stepeni eterifikatsii i kompleksoobrazuyuschei sposobnosti (Analysis of the activity of soluble pectin from the degree of etherification and complexing ability), Tekhnologiya i Tovarovedenie Innovatsionnykh Pishchevykh Produktov (Technology and Merchandizing of Innovation Food Products), 2012, no. 2, pp. 24-28.

11. Khrundin, D.V., Romanova, N.K., and Reshetnik, O.A., Vliyanie di- i trikarbonovykh kislot na sorbtsiyu ionov medi vysokoeterifitsirovannymi pektinami (Effect of di- and tricarboxylic acids on the sorption of copper ions by high-etherified pectins), Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya (Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions, Food Technology), 2011, no. 4, pp. 22-23.

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13. Shamkova, N.T., Svyazyvayushchaya sposobnost´ pektinsoderzhashchikh pishchevykh system (The binding ability of pectin-containing food systems), Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya (Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions, Food Technology), 2006, no. 5, pp. 20-22.

14. Rumyantseva, G.N., Varfolomeeva, O.A., and Kindra, N.A., Sokhranenie zheliruyuschei sposobnosti pektina v protsesse ego vydeleniya iz yablochnykh vyzhimok (Preservation of the gelling ability of pectin during its isolation from apple pomace), Khranenie i Pererabotka Sel´khozsyr´ya (Storage and Processing of Agricultural Raw Materials), 2006, no. 7, pp. 25-28.

15. Shamkova, N.T., Svyazyvayushchaya sposobnost´ model´nykh sistem pektin-belok-voda (The binding ability of pectin-protein-water model systems), Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya (Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions, Food Technology), 2007, no. 1, pp. 19-21.

16. Magomedov, G.O., Magomedov, A.K., Miroshnikova, T.N., and Lobosova, L.A., Vliyanie fruktozy na studneobrazovanie pri proizvodstve zefira na pektine (Effect of fructose on the gelation in the production of marshmallow based on pectin), Konditerskoe Proizvodstvo (Confectionery), 2007, no. 2, pp. 31-33.

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