Novokuzneck, Russian Federation
Mathematics can offer a number of diagnostic tools to assess the level of meta-subject skills in students of 5–9 grades. The author developed a math task for paired work as a comprehensive assessment tool for universal academic skills. As students worked in pairs to perform a mathematical study, the author used a tiered approach to assess their soft skills in a particular context. The task included a roadmap that made it possible to control the sequence of actions and independence of their implementation. The motivational, cognitive, activity-based, and productive development criteria were specified by different indicators. The meta-subject skills fell into six levels depending on the degree of individual performance and the quality of the actions performed. The Spearman correlation coefficient demonstrated the reliability and validity of the new diagnostic tool. The method was tested in Kuzbass schools, and teachers of mathematics pointed out its efficiency. The article offers a sample of a roadmap for a math task to be prepared in pairs by 5–9-graders.
universal learning activities, meta-subject skills, research task, academic and research map, diagnostic tools, levels of development of meta-subject skills, teaching mathematics
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