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Abstract (English):
Self-esteem and personal development depend on the social context. This article describes this correlation, within which personality affects the professional success. Such an impact is manifested in the work of a modern university educator, both in the media space and beyond. The social role of the teacher changes together with public relations: today, it is part of cultural capital and information economy. The professional self-esteem of a university educator, expressed in managerial metrics, determines their performance. The metrics can reveal a social interaction between the specialist and the society, where the specialist exchanges skills for reward, which affects the self-esteem and further interaction. The work of a university educator depends on the presence of the student as an actor, formal requirements of the university administration, and the ability to meet the students’ need for personal contact under standardization and mass production of information. The article gives university teaching personnel some recommendations on maintaining self-esteem connected with the development of emotional intelligence, impression management, and identification. The recommendations are supported by media presence cases.

social analysis of the Internet, professional self-esteem, self-esteem of a university educator, modern educator, higher education, university educator
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