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Abstract (English):
The content of Physical Education at primary and secondary school is undergoing certain changes. This process requires continuity. The research featured the principle of continuity in extracurricular physical education activities, i.e., volleyball and pioneerball, with primary and secondary school students. The experiment involved university students that majored in physical education, as well as experienced school teachers. First, the principle of continuity presupposes an interaction between teachers of primary and secondary education, e.g., mutual attendance of classes and extracurricular events. Second, it takes into account the age, gender, and individual characteristics of schoolchildren and their level of training. Third, the transition from primary to secondary education is especially challenging for children as the curriculum is getting more complex. The principle of continuity in Physical Education makes learning consistent and contributes to personal development. In this study, the Physical Education teachers and university students agreed that the principle of continuity helped schoolchildren to gain knowledge, improve motor skills, and increase motivation.

implementation, continuity, Physical Education at school, sports section, pioneerball, volleyball, students
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