Barnaul, Russian Federation
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
The effect of active acidity and calcium chloride concentration on the milk coagulation rate under the action of an engineered variant of recombinant reindeer chymosin (Rangifer tarandus) with a point amino acid replacement Lys53→Glu, was studied. It was found that the dependence of milk-clotting activity on pH and calcium chloride concentration of engineered recombinant reindeer chymosin is comparable to high quality commercial genetically engineered milk coagulants.
reindeer, chymosin, recombinant chymosin, milk-converting activity, pH, calcium chloride, cheesemaking
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