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Abstract (English):
The standard for traditional varieties of ice cream recommends a shelf life of no more than 6 months at a temperature not higher than minus 18 °C. Due to the large volumes and seasonality of production, enterprises set expiration dates 2–3 times longer than recommended, guided by microbiological indicators. However, the main defects of ice cream during storage are not caused by microbiological, but by physical and chemical changes. When determining the shelf life of ice cream at minus 18 °C, it is necessary to take into account possible changes in the dispersion of ice crystals and air bubbles and the high probability of oxidation processes. If it is necessary to store ice cream for a long time (more than 6 months), it is recommended to set the temperature in the storage chambers no higher than minus 30 °C and use fat-containing raw materials with a short shelf life before use.

ice cream, expiration date, spoilage types, long-term storage
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