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Abstract (English):
Attempts to conceptualize the integration of migrants in society regularly face criticism within the academic community; the term integration does not have a generally accepted definition. The article offers an analysis of Russian migrants integration policy. The purpose of the study is to clarify the meaning of the term integration, as well as to compare integration theories with practical measures of immigrant integration. The authors define the concept of integration, explore its conceptual foundations, and shed light on some contradictions of its use in political discourse and scientific literature. The concept of integration is defined as the inclusion of an individual in a certain host community’s social ties structure. Using the content analysis method, the article considers the place of integration concept in the fundamental documents of the Russian immigration policy. The authors conclude that the Russian integration policy has its faults. There is a gap between the integration policy and the realities of the migrants' existence, which prevents the effective inclusion of migrants in Russian society. Solving the problem requires close cooperation between various actors of migration policy, including non-profit civil organizations.

immigration, integration, integration of immigrants, immigration policy, integration policy, state policy
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