Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the strategic approach to industrial development in Russia. The author studied the regulatory environment, i.e., strategies, programs, and projects, that affects economic sectors and sets the vector of industrial development. A detailed analysis of these strategies, programs, and projects revealed a number of significant shortcomings that reduce the effectiveness of the public administration system for long-term industrial and socio-economic development. The author described the theoretical foundations of economic and industrial development, best practices in building effective industrial growth drivers, and existing methodological flaws in the strategic approach to industrial strategies in Russia. The research revealed the need to change the methodological approach to strategizing in Russia. As an effective solution, the author proposed the methodology of industrial strategizing based on the general theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing developed by the National School of Strategizing and Professor Vladimir L. Kvint, Dr.Sc. (Econ.), Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

theory of strategy, industrial strategizing, industrial development, socio-economic development
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