Almetyevsk, Kazan, Russian Federation
The Bachelor of Management studies are based on the idea of lifelong education. The curriculum includes academic models, technologies, and methods that develop culture and communication skills. This research featured the process of developing the communicative culture in future bachelors of management during foreign language acquisition using the method of interdisciplinary integration. The research methods included various diagnostic tools, e.g., questionnaires, tests, conversation, survey, interview, etc. The article also contains a review of Russian psychological and pedagogical scientific publications. The authors used interdisciplinary links between Foreign Language and various professional disciplines to design a new pedagogical model. This model included a system of complementary functional blocks. It defined a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions, principles, methods, and training tools that made it possible to model real situations and various aspects of managerial activity. The authors developed an optional interdisciplinary complex called Bridge to Communication. The complex proved effective in developing speaking skills as a tool of business communication and communicative culture.
pedagogical model, communicative culture, foreign language business communication, professional and communicative competencies, interdisciplinary communication, manager
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