Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation
Novokuzneck, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The present research featured the development of value orientations in students of various pedagogical departments. It involved a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign publications on psychology and pedagogy. The experiment relied on Sh. H. Schwartz’s diagnostic Value Questionnaire, which revealed a difference in the focus of value orientations in two groups of students. The first group majored in Primary Education and Extracurricular Activities, while the second specialized in Primary Education. The established difference could be explained by the specifics of the professional activities: the students of the first group acquired an additional set of professional qualities. The research results can help to plan various pedagogical training programs.
higher education, pedagogical education, value sphere of personality, basic individual values, Sh. H. Schwartz value questionnaire
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