Prokopyevsk, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The present research tested various technologies of pedagogical support of tolerance development in students of a technical university during foreign language acquisition. The paper reviews scientific approaches to the essence of tolerance and introduces the stages of its formation, the definitions of pedagogical technology and teaching technology, etc. The author focused on teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university and proved that the choice of forms, methods, and technologies depends on a number of circumstances. The research revealed substantive characteristics of tolerance in students and the positive effect of second language acquisition on the parameters of tolerance. The changes in the content characteristics of tolerance were registered on the basis of the corresponding indicators. The study made it possible to determine the effectiveness of the classroom and extracurricular conditions that contribute to the development of tolerance in students of technical universities.
student of a technical university, dynamics of content characteristics of tolerance, role-playing game, discussion, language club, web-quest technology
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