Moscow, Russian Federation
The research focuses on the problems of legal regulation of the consideration and adoption by municipalities and officials of municipal acts that regulate the implementation, maintenance, and protection of human rights and freedoms. The paper features a legal analysis of municipal acts adopted by the municipality of the Sosnovskoye rural settlement (Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo Region). The author investigates and identifies the problems of the legal regulation of the implementation, provision, and protection of human rights and freedoms by local governments and the development of proposals for their solution. The methods included system and structural-functional analyses, as well as a number of specific scientific methods (formal legal, legal forecasting, etc.). The author believes that the current legislation has to undergo some legal changes in the sphere of the implementation, maintenance, and protection of human rights and freedoms by local governments. The research offers a comprehensive study of the system of municipal legal regulation of the implementation, provision and protection of human rights and freedoms by local governments, with the development of proposals aimed at improving the legislation of the Russian Federation.
municipal legal acts, municipality, local self-government, municipality, municipal authority, charter of the municipality
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