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Abstract (English):
High competition requires new methods, tools, and technologies for implementing marketing efforts. Mind maps represent marketing information in a compact way, which facilitates classification and visualization of the marketing phenomenon under analysis. The method of text analysis can be applied to marketing research because mind maps that represent marketing information are a structured text; such an approach makes it possible to subject mind maps to linguistic processing. This research combined the conventional semantic analysis with comparing mind maps as a method of semantic-graph analysis. Initial marketing data were converted into a structured graph of lexical units, which were them compared pairwise to calculate similarity, taking into account the structural-multiple approach. The methods of semantic text analysis proved applicable to marketing data and effective in extracting additional information from a set of heterogeneous sources or different experts. Text analysis tools demonstrated a good potential for broadening the rage of marketing research methods.

marketing, market, analysis, mind maps, linguistics, strategy, semantic analysis, information extraction
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