Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Human capital depends on many variables, e.g., financial crises, state economy, education, geopolitical conflicts, competition, etc. The article introduces various tools that could increase the efficiency of human capital in industrial enterprises, as well as determines corporate activities that increase organizational stability. The author used standard research methods to identify the features of corporate culture in small businesses and big corporations. The analysis relied on the minimal and maximal investments that improve the quality of human capital. It resulted in a set of recommendations for improving corporate policy. The review part covered the best practices for improving the personnel management efficiency. The article describes the early personnel improvement projects, the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the automation of employee activities, the informal connections in sustainable corporate culture, the current demands of Russian business for better performance, etc. Russian companies are facing global challenges, e.g., increasing their automation while retaining and retraining experienced employees. Employers have to reduce the risks of staff outflow by investing in the internal corporate processes.

human capital, resource endowment, industrial development, talent pool, employee efficiency
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