Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers a theoretical approach to the evaluation of personnel competencies using the 360-degree appraisal. The subject of the study is managerial competencies, object – foremen and senior foremen of a large industrial enterprise in Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass. The study is necessary to determine the level of managerial competencies of a large industrial enterprise’s leaders to prepare a training program and recommendations for their development. The authors describe the key managerial competencies necessary for the foremen and senior foremen in the metallurgical production and compile a matrix of key competencies with a description of the main characteristics that foremen and a senior foremen should have as units of team management. The article presents the results of the study of the managerial competencies development of foremen and senior foremen using the 360-degree method according to the competency matrix. The authors propose a list of activities for the development of managerial competencies of the metallurgical production leaders.

managerial competencies, competency matrix, management skill building, 360-degree appraisal, foreman, senior foreman, metallurgical production
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