Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation
The present article introduces the concept of professional identity. The term defines not only a significant social phenomenon, but also a structural and complex problem that affects economic relations, professional motives of students, and the level of their professional training. The author approaches the concept of professional identity from the epistemological, economic, and cultural aspects in order to highlight its fundamental features. Thus, professional identity is 1) the driving force of self-development that defines the relationship between external causes and internal conditions; 2) an active, conscious, incomplete, open, and cyclical process associated with an identity crisis, which is resolved by choosing the trajectory of further development and career path; 3) a significant cycle of adolescence; 4) a cognitive process aimed at analyzing and solving the life situation; 5) the result of career choice, i.e. a conscious activity to achieve psychological readiness for choice; 6) a kind of self-identification based on the criteria of economic well-being, as well as social and financial prosperity; 7) it depends on the culture and society and can be interpreted through the construct of career choice; 8) a system and a process that continue the socio-economic policy of the state. According to the economic approach, the main criterion of professional identity is one’s desire to achieve a high quality of life. In Russia, this process takes place in conditions of limited choice.
professional self-identity, professional identity, socio-economic processes, socio-economic conditions, professional choice, professional orientation
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