Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research into social peculiarities, structure, and mechanisms of young teachers' self-realization is a relevant issue in modern sociological studies. The present paper features professional strategies that self-realization patterns. The research objective was to study strategies for professional self-realization employed by young teaching personnel of colleges. It was based on an authentic hybrid research complex, which included a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques: methods of included observation, in-depth interviews, expert interviews, and content analysis of regulatory documents. The analysis revealed three types of adaptive strategies for professional self-realization of young teachers: Strategy of Success, Strategy of Remonstrative Self-Realization, and Strategy of Forced Self-Realization. The article emphasizes the connection between social prosperity and the chosen strategy. Adaptive strategies force young teachers to comply with expectations of their social environment, which disagrees with the concept of self-realization. The humanistic non-adaptive strategy based on a free choice of patterns and modes of the teacher's work, which makes it possible to preserve physical and psychological health and save human resources.

adaptive strategies, heath-preserving strategies, professional activity, humanistic self-realization strategy, hybrid set of research
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