Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The social values of entrepreneurship that have developed in different countries are largely determined by two factors: whether the population perceives the current conditions as favorable for starting business and whether the current situation stimulates business. The research objective was to assess the social values of entrepreneurship that have developed in different countries. The author conducted a sociological survey asking respondents to agree or disagree with the following four statements: 1) Entrepreneurship is a good career option; 2) Successful intrepreneurs have a high social status; 3) The media transmit a positive attitude to entrepreneurship; 4) It is easy to start your own business in your country. The study used information from a global entrepreneurship monitoring conducted in 48 countries in 2018. Three hypotheses were tested using mathematical models that represented the density functions of the normal distribution. Four indicators that characterize the social values of entrepreneurship were used to determine their average values for the countries under consideration. The survey made it possible to identify countries with high and low values of the indicators. The article includes a comparative analysis of these indicators for Russia and foreign countries. They appeared to differ significantly from country to country. The research proved that there was no correlation between the values of the indicators and such factors as the level of income and territorial location.

entrepreneurial career, status of successful entrepreneurs, starting a business, media, Global entrepreneurship monitoring
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