Doneck, Ukraine
Doneck, Ukraine
The present research features the topical problems of innovative activity motivation of the personnel of higher educational institutions to determine various ways to increase innovation activity. The authors analyzed the categories of motivation and innovation potentials, i.e. their characteristics and importance for the implementation and introduction of innovations in the sphere of highly intellectual teaching. The paper describes some specific methods that could increase the innovative activity motivation in higher education institutions, e.g. economic methods of motivation, the method of management by objectives, the method of participative management, and the method of job enrichment. These methods of motivation allow the management of higher educational institutions to stimulate their employees to raise the level of their innovative-active behavior and to maximize the realization of the innovative potential of employees in order to achieve the goals of the organization and personal goals.
labor stimulation, innovative potential, higher educational institutions, motivational methods, innovation-active behavior, job enrichment, participative management, management by objectives
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