Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Small business is a key segment for the economy of any country. It can be considered an indicator of the economic climate. A well-developed segment of small and medium-sized business helps the state to solve a number of economic and socially significant problems. The present paper describes the role of small and medium businesses in the country's economy, determines its impact on GDP, studies the possibility of SMEs to access money resources, in particular, the possibility of bank lending to this category of borrowers. The research analyses the dynamics of lending to small and medium businesses by commercial banks. The authors determined the level of overdue loans in the total amount of loans granted, as well as the level of the proposed loan products. The study reveals the main problems that prevent the development of bank lending to small and medium businesses, according to both borrowers and creditors. The authors suggest some possible ways to solve the problem.

small and medium businesses, loan, bank support, arrears, credit products for small business
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