Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The research features the quality of working life and its foundations, components, and measurement. The article describes and summarizes various theoretical and applied perspectives of the phenomenon. It presents authentic ideas on the theory of working life quality, as well as a list of key elements. The authors describe a case of the nurses working in the Regional Clinical Center of miners’ health. According to the author, the quality of working life is a particular case of the general quality of life and represents the degree of satisfaction of life-supporting (physically favorable environment), social, and spiritual needs through labor activity. The dual quality of working life is in two basic approaches to its measurement: objective and subjective. The quality of working life includes the content of the work; rewards (material and immaterial); working hours; working conditions; staff; public utility and prestige of work; development; career; social guarantees and non-material compensation. The options were found limited in the absence of a full list of indicators that actualized the use of sociological tools. The research scheme is based on the example of a sociological study of opinions formed integral indicators for each quality element. The total score was quite high. The formation of point management influences in relation to certain aspects of the quality of working life can improve the management systems of labor organization and personnel motivation.
working life quality structure, duality of life quality, measuring of working life quality, sociological assessment of working life quality, job satisfaction, working conditions, medical institution, labor content, work schedule, social guarantees
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